Check out SIC's International Aid Assistance Report 2023

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Ukraine, Turkey and Guinea were some of the recipient countries for Region Västra Götaland's international aid last year. The willingness to donate remains high, but negative developments in the world have affected the possibility to provide aid.

In 2023:

🌍 58 percent of the aid went to countries and regions in Africa, 30 percent to Ukraine and 12 percent to Other countries.

🌍 75 percent of the aid from Region Västra Götaland was collected and delivered to the recipients by Human Bridge, 15 percent by Help Ukraine Gothenburg (HUG) and Christian Doctors and Medical Students (KLM) and 10 percent by Agape Foundation. 

🌍 New types of international assistance were offered, such as a trauma surgery course for Ukrainian doctors.

Read more in Sahlgrenska International Care International Aid Assistance Report 2023 (