When you need healthcare

To get healthcare as quickly as possible when you are sick or injured, it is important that you go to the right place. Hospitals, healthcare centres and the 1177 Care Guide have different approaches to make sure you get the help you need.

1177, by phone and online

1177.se is the healthcare system’s dedicated website. It is also a telephone number you can call if you need advice when you are ill or injured.


The website 1177.se provides information about illnesses, care and health. The information has been fact-checked by doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Health information in English at 1177.se

Ring 1177 for medical advice

1177 is the phone number for health care advice. It is open round the clock, all year round. You are always connected with a nurse who can discuss your symptoms and any treatment you may need. You can also get advice about where you should seek treatment.

Dial 1177 if you need medical advice. You can also call 0046 771-11 77 00 if your phone does not have a Swedish subscription or SIM card, or if you are calling from another country. If there is a life-threatening emergency, call the emergency number 112.

Information about 1177 at 1177.se

Seek healthcare

A healthcare centre (vårdcentral) is a clinic that is usually close to where you live. If you are ill, you should first call your healthcare centre and make an appointment with a nurse or doctor. The healthcare centre will then give you a referral if you need specialist care with us at the hospital.

If you become ill in the evening or weekend you can contact one of the after-hours clinics or urgent care centres (jourmottagning) in Gothenburg. These are open evenings and weekends.

You can read more information from 1177 about how healthcare works in Sweden and how to buy medicines.

Information about how to seek healthcare - 1177.se

If you become seriously ill or require an ambulance

If you are seriously injured or become very ill, call the emergency number 112 or go to an accident & emergency department at a hospital.

Our emergency departments - Sahlgrenska University Hospital

In case of poisoning

Ring 112 in case of emergency poisoning. For less urgent matters or general questions you can contact the Swedish Poisons Information Centre (Giftinformationscentralen) at telephone number 010-456 6700.

In English - Swedish Poisons Information Centre

Identity Papers & Health Insurance Documents

Should you require treatment at a public healthcare centre or at a hospital, please remember to bring your identity papers and health insurance documents with you.

If you are an EU citizen you should bring your European Health Insurance Card or Certificate E111. These papers entitle you to emergency medical treatment at the same rates as Swedish residents.

Healthcare in Sweden if you come from another country - 1177.se

Sahlgrenska International Care

If you are an international patient interested in planned care at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, reach out to us at Sahlgrenska International Care. We export world-class healthcare expertise offered by the public healthcare system in West Sweden to customers worldwide.