Möten och konferenser

Här hittar du kommande möten och konferenser som Sahlgrenska Comprehensive Cancer Centre anordnar och samordnar.

Möten och konferenser

  • The Sahlgrenska Comprehensive Cancer Centre Meeting 9-10 September 2024

    Welcome to the Sahlgrenska Comprehensive Cancer Centre Meeting. Join us for a two-day cancer research meeting in Gothenburg. This event will bring together researchers (pre-clinical, translational, clinical) and healthcare professionals from Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Sahlgrenska Academy. Industry professionals and representatives from Chalmers University of Technology will also attend and participate in the event.

  • Informationsträff om Sahlgrenska CCC

    Vårdpersonal, patient, närståender eller allmänhet? Samtliga välkomnas till Kraftens hus den 9 april klockan 17-19!

  • Cancer, equality and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan

    The conference will address the advantages and challenges that the EU and its citizens meet related to cancer care and to discuss how to develop them further. The purpose of the event is to contribute to the further development of implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

  • SciLifeLab Day – Gothenburg

    This event is a kick-off for the national SciLIfeLab site in Gothenburg. Learn more about the services and capabilities that are offered from SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally, and how you can participate in the activities!